Women’s Cell

KAV has an active Women’s Cell (KAVWOC) that works for the welfare of the women students, facilitates redressal of their grievances and has planned to organize regular talks on women related issues.  Women empowerment and gender Equality are the most important requirements for the upliftment and progress of an independent, democratic country. In the effort to make Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya kernel of gender sensitization, the Women’s Cell has been constituted under the advice of respected Mrs. Kuntala Patowary Aai and under the supervision of Mrs. Barnali Bordoloi Baaideu. Some of the prominent areas where the cell has planned to be active are organizing talks, interactive sessions on issues like domestic violence, sexual harassment at home or at the outside, statutory provisions related to sexual harassment and their prevention, gender sensitization and need for attitudinal change, female foeticide and the like.     

MOTTO- Encourage, Educate and Empower: creating a balanced society.

Mrs.Kuntala Patowary Goswami
Chairperson Krishnaguru Siksha Parishad Educationalist
Mrs.Barnali Bardoloi
Principal, Institute of Nursing Education
Ms.Dronali Talukdar
Assistant Proff & I/c,HoD,Dept. of Political Science
Joint Secretary
Dr.Manikangkana Barman,HoD
Assistant Professor
Ms.Kanan Hazarika
Jahnabee Basumatary
Assistant Professor
Dr.Chandrama Kalita
Assistant Professor
Mina Baruah
Assistant Professor
Niva Pathak
Rumi Barman
Office Staff


  • Living in a patriarchal society with deep rooted and socio-cultural value of male superiority, the objective of the Cell is to help build an egalitarian society.
  • Helping female students live balanced lives where they neither lurk into depression, no take the abode of aggression.
  • To stress upon the development of women in every sphere.
  • To organise events and activities for women empowerment.
  • To create an environment that will help women realize their full potential and give their best.


Moulding and enlightening the young minds and pave their way to grow into balanced and better human beings.


  • To encourage female students to be self-reliant and economically independent.
  • To install positive self-esteem and confidence in the female students so that they can take the right decision in and for-their lives.
  • Spreading awareness among the students about the social, legal and constitutional rights of women in order to prevent the exploitation based on gender.
  • Making females cognizant about different kinds of violence: sexual. Physical and mental and to further equip them with the knowledge and strength to fight against them.
  • Creating awareness about the need of gender equality.
  • Providing equal career opportunities to all genders.
  • Eliminating deep rooted beliefs of gender bias and discrimination.

PRAPTI – We have planned to issue an early magazine relating to gender related matters called PRAPTI.