Directorate of Students Welfare

The office of the Director of Students’ Welfare (DSW) at Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya is dedicated to managing various students’ upliftment affairs. The Director of Student Welfare oversees the general well-being of students outside the classroom, contributing to their personal and spiritual growth, skill development, and fostering a sense of community and understanding among students through intellectual, social, cultural, and spiritual activities.


The primary activities of the DSW office at Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya include:

  1. Organizing sports and extracurricular activities tailored to the spiritual ethos of the university.
  2. Providing facilities and training for various sports such as Football, Volleyball, Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis, Kabaddi, Basketball, etc.
  3. Organizing social and cultural activities with active student participation, emphasizing spiritual and cultural heritage.
  4. Arranging educational tours, excursions, and participation in sports and cultural activities outside the university.
  5. Managing Intra and Inter-College Sports meets, Youth Festivals, and Inter-University Games and Sports.
  6. Organising various events related to students’ welfare, including discipline, coordinating training and placement opportunities for registered students.
  7. Managing NCC, other physical training, NSS, and Yoga programs for students.
  8. Assisting foreign students during difficulties and ensuring their integration into the university community.
  9. Working with the Anti-Ragging Squad, Anti-Ragging Monitoring Cell, and Ragging Prevention Cell to maintain a safe environment.
  10. Liaising with Law and Order authorities regarding student discipline issues.
  11. Coordinating with the Hall of Residence to ensure smooth operations.
  12. Organizing and supporting student bodies and their activities.
  13. Providing financial aid to needy students and making special arrangements for women students and differently-abled persons.
  14. Coordinating medical and health services for students.
  15. Communicating with parents/guardians regarding student performance- their strength and weaknesses.
  16. Offering student counseling and information services.
  17. Presenting awards, trophies, mementos, and certificates for various competitions.
  18. Coordinate and lead community service projects, especially during times of crisis such as floods and mobilize student volunteers for relief efforts and provide logistical support for these initiatives.
  19. Organize free health camps, organizng blood donation camps for providing blood to needy persons.
  20. Develop and implement programs that promote spiritual growth and moral education aligned with the university’s values.
Director of Students Welfare (i/c)

Sipankar Das

Phone : +91 8723915065

Sports Officer

Techi Gello (i/c)

Cultural officer

Kanan Hazarika (i/c)