Department of Philosophy of Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Visvavidyalaya celebrated World Philosophy Day on November 17, 2023. Dr. Gitanjalee Bora, the department head, has greeted everyone in the audience. Dr. Dinesh Baishya, the vice chancellor of the university also spoke during the meeting and delivered the keynote address. As a resource person, Dr. Bikash Bhargab Sarma, Head of the Philosophy Department at Kumar Bhaskar Verma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, was invited. “Inter Religious Beliefs, Practises and Conflicts: A Challenge towards Universal Humanistic Religion” was the subject of Dr. Sarma’s speech. There were numerous discussions on the subject in which a large number of teachers and students actively participated. The professors and the students of the department of Philosophy of B.N. College, Dhubri also presented in the meeting. The meeting was conducted by Mr. Naba Pallab Newar as anchor and Mr. Jahangir khan gave the vote of thanks to all.